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Maak Het Met Floor, Karwei
In this video series, Floor shows you in simple steps just how to tackle your own DIY projects. By seeing her decorate her house bit by bit, the videos aim to motivate and inspire the viewer to be able to handle any house project on their own.
Floor Maakt Het, Karwei

In this video series, Floor shows you in simple steps just how to tackle your own DIY projects. By seeing her decorate her house bit by bit, the videos aim to motivate and inspire the viewer to be able to handle any house project on their own.
Directed, written and edited by hetrodeballetje

Producer: Jessy Hooijmaijers
DOP: Leon van Engelen
Art director: Cindy Bakker
Set Designer: Dedato
Gaffer: Leon de Haas
Bestboy: Robben Fuhler 
Bestboy: Doris Dobbenberg
Starring: Floor Doelman

M: info@hetrodeballetje.com
IG: @hetrodeballetje

Schieblock 189, Unit 6.08
3013BR, Rotterdam